What Does Your Soul Long For?

This is the third in a series of three posts about Spiritual Direction. My intent with this series is for more people to know about spiritual direction, to understand why someone might choose to meet with a spiritual director, and to take away (or at least reduce) confusion, mysteriousness, and/or distrust which sometimes surrounds spiritual direction.

One of my favorite questions to ask my clients is, 'what does your heart or soul need right now?' Recently, I was asked a version of that question in a group spiritual direction session and it opened up a whole lot of something for me. I'm still unpacking. LOL!

What follows is not what I originally thought I was going to write for this post. Spirit put something else on my heart to share with you. And it feels important. Something maybe we all need to hear, especially at this time.

My hope, as always, is that what I share will spark something in and for you.

I am someone who has a variety of spiritual practices and participates in various ‘spiritual-related’ activities (retreats, workshops, calls with colleagues). So I have to say, I was rather surprised to realize while recently attending a workshop on group spiritual direction that something was missing.

Despite all that I do, something was (and is) missing for me. I’ve always assumed that the community aspect of my spiritual life was filled by my participation in my place of worship (my church). And at times it has and to a large extent, it does now. Yet . . . .

If you had asked me before the workshop if I was in need of spiritual community or to be part of some group, I would have said “I don’t think so.” Although to be honest that answer was mostly from my logical mind telling me, I don’t have time for anything else.

But during the course of the workshop, I got to participate in three sessions of group spiritual direction, and the experience led me to see that I was really, really tired and that I needed time with a small committed group of fellow seekers.

You know the saying, “you don’t know what you have until you’ve lost it”? This was more like “You don't know what you need (or is missing) until you have it”. Sometimes you just have to give something a try to know whether or not it's for you.

This is what can happen in spiritual direction. The Spirit moves you, opens your heart to something new or surprising, or whispers this is what you have been looking for. For me, it is frequently a reminder and invitation (to paraphrase Carrie Newcomer) to bow down my head to the wisdom of my heart and soul.

To be very clear, I am not saying that you must do more. You do not have to have a personal private practice and a one-on-one practice and a small group practice and a larger worshiping community all at the same time.

What I want you to know is . . .

You have options. There are many different approaches and practices to choose from – even within a given faith tradition.

It’s okay if what you have been doing – for months, years, or your entire life – isn’t working for you anymore.

If you are feeling depleted – spiritually, emotionally – consider those feelings as a nudge from Spirit, an invitation to start something new, stop something that's not working, and/or try something different – to mix things up a bit or pare things down.

Here are a few questions for you to engage with as you consider what your soul needs at this time:

  • What do I need for my spiritual health at this time?

  • Do I need some gentle, compassionate, deep listening in a one-on-one setting?

  • Do I need to start, stop, or change my personal spiritual practices?

  • Is there an aspect of community missing in my spiritual life?

  • What does my soul long for?

If you hear yourself in any of the above and would like to explore more what spiritual direction may provide for you or if it is a good fit for you at this time, let's chat! Simply click here to find a time that works for you.

Feel free to drop any questions you have about the above or spiritual direction in general in the comments.


Are You in a Liminal Time?


Questions, So Many Questions