About Lisa —

“I don’t know what I want to do or what I am meant to do, but I DO know that I DON’T want to keep doing what I’m doing.”

That was me in 2012 … and in 2011 … it had been going on for a while. It wasn’t that things were terrible.  I was doing good work with good people and getting paid very well for it.  I was just over it.

And I KNEW (in my gut) there was something more I needed to be doing with my life. 

Can you relate?

My heart was no longer in my work. and I had already re-invented myself a few times. It was time to make a real change. 

It was time to live the life I was meant to live, even if I wasn’t clear in the moment what that looked like.

On a number of occasions, I have made bold moves and big transitions in my life. I’ve moved from the East Coast to Chicago and back again. I’ve worked for a large corporation, community-based nonprofits, a new consulting company, and started my own businesses. Twice I’ve resigned from jobs, once with no real plan and once for a year-long sabbatical.

With each of these transitions, I went through a process of discernment - I listened for my purpose, for who God (Spirit, my True Self) was calling me to be in the world at each juncture in my life. I then did my best to make decisions consistent with that guidance.

These experiences – along with years of personal growth and development; intensive training in communication and deep listening; dozens of retreats, workshops and mission trips; formation and training as a spiritual director; as well as my professional experience as a project manager – have all led me to being a coach and spiritual director.

 I now have the honor and privilege to help others gain clarity, get unstuck, and pursue their purpose so they can live a more whole, meaningful, and joy-filled life. 

If you hear yourself in any of this, I would love for us to have a conversation. I can listen deeply to what you are wrestling with in your life and help bring some focus and clarity.  You can learn more about me and how I work. And we can both determine if we are a good fit for helping you move forward with confidence.

 Let’s explore what’s possible!

Other things you might want to know about me . . .

  • My purpose in life is to create a world where people thrive.  I take an unrelenting stand for people’s greatness (their true self) – especially as a coach. I have and continue to fulfill on that purpose in a variety of ways. My first career was dedicated to providing safe, decent affordable rental housing to individuals and families in the United States. 

  • I am an active member of my church and currently serve on our Racial Justice Ministry Working Group. I am also a member of the Program Circle at Well for the Journey, a local spiritual wellness center.

  • I love to travel and see new places, meet new people, and try new foods – a love instilled in me by my parents. My next big trips are to Alaska and North Dakota, Montana and Idaho to complete visiting all 50 U.S. states!

  • I have been a coach to a variety of people in different programs for over 20 years and am a certified Enneagram Coach through Your Enneagram Coach.

  • I am a certified Spiritual Director and member of Spiritual Directors International. I completed my formation and training with Stillpoint: The Center for Christian Spirituality.  

  • In addition to coaching and spiritual direction, I lead workshops and retreats including my Create Your Life Vision Board Workshop and Returning to Center Retreat.