The Gifts of Winter

In my weekly emails, Wisdom of the Heart, I frequently write about the seasons and their unique energies and themes. I’ve even developed a tool, the Personal Heart Compass, which integrates the wisdom of the four directions and seasonal cycles, that I use in retreats and with individual clients.

The thing is, our personal "seasons" may not always match the natural ones. For instance, winter has an energy of introspection and is associated with slowing down, going within, renewal, and the earth element - akin to animals and seeds resting underground and collecting energy before emerging in the spring.

Yet, this winter so far has been unusually active for me, filled with lots of creative energy (normally associated with summer) and emerging new opportunities (normally associated with spring).

Embracing the energy of winter

The beauty of paying attention to nature’s seasonal rhythms is that it allows me to recognize ways I might bring more balance to my life. Seeing the discrepancy between my personal experience these last weeks and winter's slower pace helped me understand the sense of disconnection I was feeling.

Then with the help of my spiritual director, I focused on some simple things that would help me connect with winter’s energy. This included reestablishing and rejuvenating my morning meditation and devotional practice, which had become inconsistent. I didn't need to search far. Staying with winter’s slow and easy pace, I simply explored my bookshelves, gathering devotionals, prayer books, Lent-themed guides, and anything else that resonated with me.

Then I curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and my stack of books (a perfect winter activity). I slowly went through them one by one, like I was visiting with old friends. Paying attention to what I was drawn to and what I wasn’t, what felt good and what didn’t feel like what I needed right now.

This process was a reminder of the importance of aligning with the season's energy, whether it matches my current state or not.

How could you embrace the energy of winter?

In what ways could you slow down and replenish?

Resource to revitalize or start your spiritual practice

Here are a few favorites (in no particular order) that I rediscovered, some of which I have returned to again and again over the years:

  • Illuminated Life: Monastic Wisdom for Seekers of Light by Joan Chittister

  • The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo

  • Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young

  • The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living - excerpts from the works of Father Thomas Keating, compiled by S. Stephanie Iachetta

  • A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections by Marianne Williamson

  • You Are the Beloved: 365 Daily Readings and Meditations for Spiritual Living -
    excerpts from the works of Henri J. M. Nouwen. Compiled by Gabielle Earnshaw

  • Living Well Through Lent by Living Compass – they publish a Lenten guide each year available in paperback, pdf download or daily emails. This year’s theme is Forgiveness

  • The Desert of Compassion: Devotions for the Lenten Journey by Rachel M. Srubas. I used this last year for Lent and highly recommend it.

If you have any questions or think I might be able to support you, schedule a Virtual Coffee Chat.


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